TB Program Coordinator
(Full-time position)

The Public Institution "Coordination, Implementation and Monitoring Unit of the Health System Projects" (PCIMU) is currently implementing the Program “Strengthening Tuberculosis control and reducing AIDS related mortality in RM” (MDA-C-PCIMU Grant), financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services for TB Program Coordinator.

The Consultant will be responsible for the operation and functioning of the TB Program in its entirety according to the Project Operations Manual (POM) provisions.

The PCIMU now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must indicate their qualifications to perform the services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, etc.) and provide information attesting to their compliance with the qualification requirements described in the ToR referred to below.

The Consultants are hereby invited to submit their updated CV and Intention Letter. Please note that the PCIMU is not bound to accept any of the CVs.

The selection of consultants will be carried out in accordance with procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (current edition).

Amendament la Anunt angajare Coordonator Program TB

Interested consultants may see the Terms of Reference (ToR)

The deadline for submission of Consultant’s CV is October 15, 2024; 17.00 AM.

CVs can be submitted by e-mail or delivered to the address below:

PI “CIMU HSP” 18-A T. Ciorba str., MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Attn. Mrs. Cristina Chicu, Procurement Specialist TB Project,
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For more information on the assigned task, you can address:
Tel: + 373 22 233 – 568.
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TB/HIV Monitoring and Evaluation specialist for monitoring visits
(Full-time position)

Project Title: “Strengthening Tuberculosis control and reducing AIDS related mortality in the Republic of Moldova”

Grant No.:                  MDA-C-PCIMU 2024-2026

Source of Funding:    Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

The Public Institution "Coordination, Implementation and Monitoring Unit of the Health System Projects" (PCIMU) is currently implementing the Program “Strengthening Tuberculosis control and reducing AIDS related mortality in RM”, financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services for TB/HIV monitoring and evaluation specialist for monitoring visits.

The TB/HIV Monitoring and Evaluation specialist for monitoring visits will be part of the PCIMU team and will be responsible for realisation of the supervision visits to the Program Sub-recipients and beneficiaries.

The PCIMU now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must indicate their qualifications to perform the services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, etc.) and provide information attesting to their compliance with the qualification requirements described in the ToR referred to below.

The Consultants are hereby invited to submit their updated CV and Intention Letter. Please note that the PCIMU is not bound to accept any of the CVs.

The selection of consultants will be carried out in accordance with procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (current edition).

Interested consultants may see the Terms of Reference (ToR)

The deadline for submission of Consultant’s CV is October 01, 2024.

CVs can be submitted by e-mail, fax or delivered to the address below:

PI “CIMU HSP” 18-A T. Ciorba str., MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Attn. Mrs. Angela Carp, HIV Program Procurement Specialist,

Fax: + 373 22 233-887

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For more information on the assigned task, you can address:


Tel: + 373 22 233 - 568; Fax: + 373 22 233-887.

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TB/HIV monitoring and evaluation specialist for monitoring visits

(Full-time position)

The Public Institution "Coordination, Implementation and Monitoring Unit of the Health System Projects" (PCIMU) is currently implementing the Program “Strengthening Tuberculosis control and reducing AIDS related mortality in RM” (MDA-C-PCIMU Grant), financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services for TB/HIV monitoring and evaluation specialist for monitoring visits.

The Consultant will be responsible for the realisation of supervision visits to the Program Sub-recipients and beneficiaries.

The PCIMU now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must indicate their qualifications to perform the services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, etc.) and provide information attesting to their compliance with the qualification requirements described in the ToR referred to below.

The Consultants are hereby invited to submit their updated CV and Intention Letter. Please note that the PCIMU is not bound to accept any of the CVs.

The selection of consultants will be carried out in accordance with procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (current edition).

Interested consultants may see the Terms of Reference (ToR).

The deadline for submission of Consultant’s CV is June, 30, 2024, 17.00.
CVs can be submitted by e-mail, fax or delivered to the address below:
PI “CIMU HSP” 18-A T. Ciorba str., MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Attn. Mrs. Cristina Chicu, Procurement Specialist TB Project,
Fax: + 373 22 233-887
E-mail: Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza
For more information on the assigned task, you can address:
Tel: + 373 22 233 - 568; Fax: + 373 22 233-887.
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HIV Program Coordinator

(Full-time position)

Project Title: “Strengthening Tuberculosis control and reducing AIDS related mortality in the Republic of Moldova”
Grant No.:                  MDA-C-PCIMU 2024-2026
Source of Funding:    Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

The Public Institution "Coordination, Implementation and Monitoring Unit of the Health System Projects" (PCIMU) is currently implementing the Program “Strengthening Tuberculosis control and reducing AIDS related mortality in RM”, financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services for HIV Program Coordinator.

The HIV Program Coordinator will be part of the PCIMU team and will be accountable for the operation and functioning of the HIV Program in its entirety according to the Project Operations Manual (POM) provisions.

The PCIMU now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must indicate their qualifications to perform the services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, etc.) and provide information attesting to their compliance with the qualification requirements described in the ToR referred to below.

The Consultants are hereby invited to submit their updated CV and Intention Letter. Please note that the PCIMU is not bound to accept any of the CVs.

The selection of consultants will be carried out in accordance with procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (current edition).

Interested consultants may see the Terms of Reference (ToR) at the web-page:

The deadline for submission of Consultant’s CV is April 17, 2024.

CVs can be submitted by e-mail, fax or delivered to the address below:

PI “CIMU HSP” 18-A T. Ciorba str., MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Attn. Mrs. Angela Carp, HIV Program Procurement Specialist,
Fax: + 373 22 233-887
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For more information on the assigned task, you can address:
Tel: + 373 22 233 - 568; Fax: + 373 22 233-887.
E-mail: Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza

Cerere pentru Depunerea Scrisorii de Intenție (Servicii de Consultanță)
Specialist in Monitorizare & Evaluare (M&E)

Instituția Publică „Unitatea de Coordonare, Implementare şi Monitorizare a Proiectelor în Domeniul Sănătății” implementează proiectul ”Fortificarea controlului tuberculozei și reducerea mortalității prin SIDA în Republica Moldova” finanțat de Fondul Global pentru Combaterea SIDA, TB și Malariei și intenționează să aplice o parte din fonduri pentru contractarea unui consultant local pentru poziția - Specialist in Monitorizare & Evaluare (M&E). Consultantul va fi remunerat din fondurile alocate în cadrul Grantului Fondului Global, 2024-2026.

Consultantul va fi parte al echipei IMSP SDMC/Unitatea de Coordonare a Programului Național de Prevenire și Control al HIV/SIDA/ITS. Responsabilitățile Specialistului M&E reies din obiectivele și activitățile Programului National HIV/SIDA și ale grantului GF 2024-2026, si sunt axate pe asigurarea unei M&E calitative a serviciilor și activităților de control HIV/SIDA.

IP UCIMP DS invită Consultanții Individuali eligibili pentru a-și exprima intenția în prestarea prezentelor servicii. Consultanții interesați trebuie să-și indice calificările pentru a presta serviciile (descrierea misiunilor similare, experiență în condiții similare etc.) și să furnizeze informații care să ateste respectarea cerințelor de calificare descrise în ToR menționate mai jos.

Consultanții sunt invitate să-și prezinte Curriculum Vitae (CV) lor actualizat ce va conține informații ce atestă faptul că ei sunt calificați să presteze serviciile menționate.

Consultantul va fi selectat în conformitate cu procedurile stabilite în Ghidul Băncii Mondiale: Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (ediția curentă).

Consultanții interesați pot găsi mai multe informații referitor serviciile solicitate în “Termenii de referință”

Termenul limită pentru depunerea CV-lor este 17 Martie  2024

CV-urile vor fi trimise prin poșta electronică, prin fax sau aduse direct la adresa menționată:
IP UCIMP DS, str. T. Ciorba 18-A, MD-2004, Chișinău, Republica Moldova
In atenția:  Angela Carp, Specialist  Procurări Program  HIV,
Fax: + 373 22 233-887
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Pentru informații suplimentare referitor sarcinile  alocate, va puteți adresa:
Violeta Teutu - Coordonator Program HIV/SIDA, IP UCIMP DS
Tel: + 373 22 233 - 568; Fax: + 373 22 233-887.
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