Invitation to Quote (ITQ) - Shopping For Goods
Procurement of Laboratory Freezer (-200C)
Date: 17 November 2021
Project Title: “2021 COVID-19 Response Mechanism Additional Funding for Moldova”
Source of Funding: “Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria”
Contract Ref: 67/GD/RM
To: According to the list
Dear Supplier,
1. You are invited to submit your price quotation(s) for the supply of the following equipment:
I. LOT “Laboratory Freezer (-200C)”:
a) Laboratory Freezer (-200C) - 15 units (ANSP)
Information on technical specifications and required quantities are indicated in Annex A to Terms and Conditions of Supply.
2. The Government of Republic of Moldova has received grants from The Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria (GFATM), and intends to apply the proceeds of these grants to eligible payments under the contract for which this invitation for quotation is issued.
You must quote for all items (the whole lot) under this invitation include all requested documents as per “Mandatory requirements” from Annex A to Terms and Conditions of Supply. Price quotations will be evaluated per lot (the whole lot shall be evaluated and a contract awarded to the firm offering the lowest evaluated price for the lot); incomplete bids will be rejected.
3. You shall submit one original and one copy of the Price Quotation with the Form of Quotation, and clearly marked “Original” and “Copy”. Your quotation in the attached format should be sealed in an envelope and addressed to and delivered at the following address of the Purchaser: